I am allergic to avocado. Most people know this about me. What I did not know is I am also allergic to the venom of a wasp. Did you know they are more poisonous than a bee???? That's right. I was minding my own business getting something out of the pantry when I felt a burning sting on my neck, and then another one, then I wiped "it " with my hand. Then my finger was on fire. There on the ground below me was a Marcy Hungry Wasp. I took a benadryl because it was getting red fast. My neighbor Pattee happened to come over to watch the kids so I could go to Costco. Around 300 E. and 11000 S. my throat started to close up the way it does if I eat an avocado, I looked in the mirror to check it out and my tongue was as big as Lydia's foot. In a panic I called my best bud Christina Nurse Practitiner Extrordinaire. She advised hospital asap and stayed on the phone until I got there. Fortunately there is a new St. Marks on 11800 S and State. I rushed in with my inhaler, insurance card, and i.d. in hand and couldn't talk, I opened my mouth and the staff went into hyper mode. Threw me on the stretcher, jabbed some epipens, started i.v. drips, and on and on. They had to monitor me for a few hours, but all is well, I'm home and oh so sleepy, (must be all the benadryl and other drugs) That is my post for the week. Stay tuned for Lydia's First Friend Birthday Party.