Wednesday, December 28, 2011
One of my best buddies Bree left me for Texas while her husband Jason attends P.A. school in San Antonio. It is so expensive to fly out there. When she told me she'd be in Vegas for the winter break and that Jason would fly up just before Christmas I asked Cecil if we could go. I called her mom first to make sure it was o.k, then Jason and I coordinated the set up. It was too funny! Jason came to get Cecil and I from the airport and explained that Bree was irritated that he couldn't take anyone in the car with him to "go get flowers" When Jason went into the restaraunt to have her come "help bring in flowers for the grandma's and aunts" again she was irritated. It wasn't until she saw Cecil that she realized what was going on. Score!! Miss snoopy didn't have a clue and was totally surprised. It was a fast visit since we left on the 22 and came home on Christmas Eve in the afternoon. But it was fun! And I loved seeing my buddy and poor Jason finally saw how I act when I get too tired. Yep I'm a crazy girl. We also went to Freemont Street and saw the light show. Thank goodness for phones, I totally forgot to take pics with my Canon, but we snagged some with the iphone! I also think Cecil could eat this cheeseburger. On the 23 Cecil and I just spent time together and went to the Nutcracker at the Paris. It was the first time he's ever been to the ballet!
I tucked M.J. in!
This is what I'm talking about with my kids sleeping abilities. I was doing hair in my salon and I asked Lydia to make sure the kids were o.k. "Yes mom I already tucked Michael Joseph in." As my client and I came up after the apt this is what we found. Lydia was guarding him just in case he rolled over.
Lydia is 6!
WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN? Lydia's school has the kids speed stack cups in their gym class once a week and she became hooked! This was the main thing she wanted either for Christmas or her Birthday. Awesome Dad made sure it happened. She was able to have a Tea Party with a few friends. Toss the Teabag into the Tea Cup, musical chairs, karaoke, and of course speed stacking! My neighbor Anne who is from Virginia taught the girls etiquette, don't you love the diet coke mingled in among the teacups? That evening Grandpa Joe, Wendy and Brandon came over. Brandon and Lydia both are getting dance lessons from grandpa!
Christmas Day
Christmas Day was fun of course! The kids loved their gifts, Lydia went to work on one of her craft projects right away. Later as I was trying to tidy up I heard loud noises downstairs. Lydia and David had brought their table up and were setting it for Cecil and I to have a "Christmas Date". The imaginary food was yummy! I love how thoughtful little children can be. Kind of makes you forget the tantrums!
Lydia's Piano Recital at Day Murray Music/First School Play
Lydia performed a duet with her friend Kylianne, their song choice Book of Mormon Stories. Sadly jitters got them in the end, but when they performed it at church a few days later it was almost perfect. Grandpa Joe said that was how Cecil's stepsister started out and it's all about practice and performance, Emily is now quite the accomplished pianist and I hope Lydia will continue to love the piano just as much. After all it was her first time playing on a Steinway! Two nights later Lydia performed in the Gingerbread Man, she was a dancing Christmas Tree. I think Cecil and I will have to get a good camera, none of my shots turned out and so when it was all over I had her pose for me and she hopped in the oven for fun too. Can I just say I love her school!
Just Random
I really should post a blog of all the crazy places the munchkins fall asleep. That is something I will do in 2012! Lydia loved making a gingerbread house. And the basketball shoes Cecil chose could have been Ute Red and I'd still think they are ugly. No one I kow thinks these are hot, even my die hard BYU friends. But he says they are comfy and breathe.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Lost and not Found
Well, I'm at the 2 week mark and still no ring/watch. But I've decided to move on and maybe someday it will appear in a toy.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving 2011
I am thankful for many things, mostly I'm thankful for my husband and children, my family and friends, a free nation, food on the table, a beautiful warm home, the list goes on and on. Originally we were going to Maryland to be with my childhood best friend and her family. Cecil and I were also going to run the Turkey Trot with her family. That was before I realized we now have to pay for 5 people to fly instead of four. And with Cecil's business trip to Maryland the week before it didn't make much sense this year. So we hosted Thanksgiving at our house, but before the dinner we decided to run the Cottonwood Heights 5k. And thanks to Amy for the brilliant idea, we've decided it will now be our new Shern Tradition! So no matter where we are there's always a 5k on Thanksgiving. Lydia who is quite a runner will join us next year. Unfortuantely the boys don't like the stroller anymore, so it will probably be a while before they join us, unless anyone wants to walk it with them. Thanks mom, dad, Pia, and Ali for watching the little people. We then came home and got busy getting ready. Cecil was able to put the outdoor lights up, I finished getting the dinner ready and then the party began! We missed Uncle Jim who was flying and cute Brandon who was at a soccer tournament in California and were grateful that Wendy's flight got here here just in time for desert!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Really??? Am I that scatter brained???? YES!

Let's go back to Thursday. My friend and I were going to go to a home decor store, I dressed up more than my ususal yoga pants and t-shirt, which means I wore my jewelry. Came back to the house, had lunch, then went to my parents house for a pizza dinner. I ended up bathing Michael Joseph, David, and cousin Ali. Whenever I bathe kids I take my ring off and loop it through my Movado watch, so as not to lose the ring. Came home, put the kids to bed. Friday came and went, Saturday is here. I went to put on my jewelry and my watch and ring are not in the stand!!! My earrings are. Did I leave them on the bathroom counter at my mom's, did I put them somewhere strange here at home. My brother checked the bathroom, the kitchen counter, no jewelry. Then I decide to go over just to make sure. Nope not there. My friend and I have turned this house upside down. So, some of us will say a prayer tonight if it's meant to be found it will be found. I'll get the gloves and go through the garbage bags tomorrow luckily garbage day is Monday so if a little person got a hold of it and threw it in there I should find it. Lesson, listen to your mother!!! When taking jewelry off, put it in the box it came in and you will never lose it!!! I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat and be so materialistic, the watch to lose sad, but not as sad as the ring my Cecil gave me when he proposed, we desinged this pink and diamond ring! To my honey at work in Maryland, I'm sorry, and I hope I find it before you return.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Judy is AWESOME!
Last January I was driving around and the wind on the mountains was so powerful you could see the snow blowing, it actually looked like a volcano! Because Judy has an incredible camera and loves the snow, I asked her if she could step outside and take a picture for me. And because I'm so bad with the computer and my iphone, Judy has been over at the house teaching me a few things. I'm proud to say I can now get a picture from my email into my blog. I can also synch my phone and make files. I am on one! Thanks Judy for all your time and patience! I love ya.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Just Because
Not much to report on, but the kids are having lots of fun and isn't that what being a kid is all about?
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Because Cecil is a Jet Setter
Cecil is frequently traveling for business purposes now. Once a year we go to Florida which I love!!! And he often sees a lot of the same people at other tradeshow/seminars. When in Vegas I was able to meet Ed from Iowa/Ohio,(those states that begin and end with vowels are all alike to me) he's from the midwest. Anyway, he's a funny guy and I loved this picture of the two of them while in Philadalphia.
Shern Mornings
The routine is usually, mom/I wake first, then Michael Joseph, (who wakes up Cecil, because he loves to snuggle dad) then Lydia and David is always the last one out of bed. Lydia and M.J. normally are done with breakfast by the time he comes up from his room. I caught Lydia "petting" Michael Joseph when they were having breakfast together.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween
Another Halloween come and gone. Lydia and David changed costumes between all the events, but M.J. stayed happy in his skeleton costume. Our friends had us over for chili before trick-or-treating was to begin. And Ryan brought home a limo from his business. So, you had the 4 Goeller Princesses, 1 Shern Princess, and 1 Lloyd Princess trick-or-treating via limo. It's a very old limo and actually has a wrap with skulls on it so it was perfect for the evening. I sat home and passed out candy, and many kids commented on the dead person car driving around the neighborhood. I'm sure this will go down as one of Lydia's favorite Halloweens ever. Our other awesome friend Judy had a big screen t.v. out in the front yard and was playing Michael Jackson's Thriller. Also quite a hit. Cecil took the boys via wagon and David tired soon after and just wanted to be home watching t.v. All is well, just missed my Binks' on a night like tonight!
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