So, the kind of wife I am: The one who forgets to take pictures of Cecil's B-day party. We actually just had the immediate family, both grandpa's, sisters, brother, spouses and my cute niece and super handsome nephew. We kept it simple with some Pizza and homemade cake, (not by me but a talented friend.) Cecil recieved some great presents; some golf gear, a new camel pack for his mountain bike adventures, and multiple gift cards to Cabella's. He had mentioned the amount of "Gear" he was going to need for his Canada fishing trip in June. So on my selfish part, I thought the money he could get in gift cards to go towards that, I can have to do what I want, which is more improvements to the house. Coniving, I know. And as for Lydia, there were no crazy adventures this week, which in itself is like a vacation!!!!