Today was the day Lydia went under the knife. She had both eyes done to correct strabismus (lazy eye) Primary Children's Hospital was fantastico!!! We attended a pre-op class a few days before that helped her get familiar with the hospital and equipment. And at last minute Cecil was able to find someone to work for him, but my dad still stopped by for a little bit. She is such a big girl. She just went off with the Dr. and Nurse like it was nothing and was just a little fussy when waking up. The Dr. is elated with the results. As a mom that looks at her everyday I'm used to how her eyes look even with the glasses, but WOW what a difference already. I think the hardest part of recovery will be her not "rough housing" for a week. Enjoy the pics and thanks to everyone for good thoughts and prayers sent our way.
1 comment:
I'm so glad she did so well!! It's amazing that doctors can do so much now. Congrats!!
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