Most people know I made a promise to run a 5k with my Best Friend of 29 years. I've been running in the gym on a machine since November. I also went to Wasatch Running and was fitted for shoes, which I'm sure Amy will love to know that the Saucony's are the ones I loved the most. I've been plugging away at the gym and can average 3.2 miles in 58 minutes. For the first time in weeks Salt Lake's Air is Green. I have asthma and if the air quality is yellow or red, I do not go outside. Another runner friend and my bootcamp buddy Ashley, actually she does marathons, said that running outside on a red air day for one hour is the equivolent of smoking a pack of cigarettes. YUCK! So, after a 4:30 a.m. feeding for little M.J. I couldn't get back to sleep. I could here the wind roaring and thought to myself, today is the perfect day to see how running on real road is like. Oh my gosh, I loved it. I'm not sure how far I went, I'll have to check the mileage on the car later, but I ran/jogged a steady pace for 45 minutes with Kaiser along side me. I'm so behind in technology, and so it was just me, my dog, and my thoughts. The gym is awesome for those days with poor air quality, but I find myself looking at the time every three minutes. But outside it was like no time had elapsed at all. I think I have finally come to understand the passion someone that a runner has. And yes those are ziptyes, to keep my little people out of my fireplace.
Woooo hoooooo! First --- I do totally love your Sauconys. Second --- you ARE a runner.
Congratulations! You have tasted a healthy and loving addiction.
I love your guts, Marcy.
Good job Marcy!!! Keep it up! Hopefully our air will stay green so you can keep goin! :)
AWESOME!!!! There really is nothing like getting your heart rate up and sweating in the great outdoors. Keep on runnin'!!!
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