David goes to school two days a week for speech therapy. He's speech delayed, he tests high for everything else but doesn't feel the need to talk much. One morning I realized I should get a picture. Understand that the school bus comes to pick him up at 7:15 a.m. Fortunately my kids take after me and are early birds, but it's still an effort to actually be ready to go somewhere at that time. I really need to read the manual on my camera though. It was a snowy day and he was so excited, he LOVES the bus and the first pic is of the bus. (forgot the flash) Helpful Hint:As soon as your child turns three, they are eligble for any of the programs in your local school district if they meet the criteria. Thanks to a friend I was told about this. At 2 1/2 we had David tested and paid a small fee for a speech therapist to come to our home twice a month. He also participated in a toddler class with Cecil at a Special Needs School. Once three rolled around he started school and has enjoyed it ever since.
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