7:20 a.m. put David on the Bus for School
9:20 a.m. take Lydia and her best bud Megan to school
10:00 a.m. take Michael Joseph to Little Gym
*10 :07 a.m. Just as I am getting M.J. into the Little Gym, I get a phone call from David's school, there's been an accident can I come to the school right away.*
David was in the gym playing with one of his classmates and some basket balls escaped from the bin and he was running and tripped and fell right onto/into a piano. He has a little gash on his nose and the cheek I'm sure will be looking worse before it gets better. His teacher Miss Aubree said he kept asking for his yo yo (ya ya) my mom. So after making sure all was well David got to spend part of the morning with ya ya, M.J. made it to his class 25 minutes late, and I'm still a little frazzled from it all. So, I'm sure that this will be the first of many calls I will get as a mom. Thanks mom for taking great care of David.
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