Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Abstract Art by David Thomas Shern

Yesterday was a long day of kid activities, Little Jerusalem, Swimming, road trip to Lehi.  By the time I got to my mom's at 3:00 David fell asleep, so I left him there while just Lydia went to swimming lessons.  Because her teacher had two other time slots cancel (one before and one after) Lydia got a 2 hour lesson.  By the time I got back to pick up David it was 6:15 and he was still asleep!  That made for a long night for me.  I finally dozed off around midnight and when I woke up at 2:00 a.m. I found my little man with Red Sharpie in hand expressing his artistic side on my wall.    I thought to take the picture after I had already scrubbed half of it off.  I've gone thru 3 Magic Erasers.


Amy Bazemore said...

It's payback...seriously, it's still not as bad as our writing on the porch of Rhonda's house with permanant marker. Good thing David can't read this...

Julie said...

Seriously? Artistic expression at 2:00 a.m.? Wow. This is why we have kids while we're young. Exhausting!!

Bree Binks said...

He was trying to show you how tall he's gotten!!
